December 2021 - January 2022
I faced an ideologically big decision during my time in San Diego. The job turned out to be pretty good, same type of tasks as the previous one (general vessel maintenance and upkeep) but with a much more active and amiable crew. I was getting paid well and the boat had an exciting schedule. In summary, no reason for me to complain or want to leave. BUT, I was still tempted by the possibility of partaking in regattas in Mexico to gain more sailing experience and work as a divemaster afterwards. A good amount of the time I spent on Dytan, I was going back and forth on whether I should stay or go. Many questions would guide my thought process: What do I truly want? What was the most responsible choice to make? Do I need to quit my good, stable job with a fun crew now? If I want to go sail and dive, what is stopping me? What do I expect to achieve after getting the sail and dive experience? This may seemingly not be too big of a deal to decide on, but this was a big decision for me not due to its direct consequences but due to its implications. Choosing to keep my job and stay on Dytan meant I preferred to be conservative over pursuing what I really wanted. It meant that maybe I was not really serious about what I desired and “dreamed of” after all. In other words, I didn't have the courage to take a risk when the situation demanded it. It meant waiting for a sense of security to make a very consequential decision. The problem is that maybe by the time I had projected I would be ready to leave, the same opportunities or desire would not be there anymore… I felt this was a decision that could potentially dictate the course of my life for the coming 2 years of my life at least. Moreover, this was a hard decision to make because I had to choose between 2 good things. I did like my job and the crew and did not want to leave so shortly after I was hired. In the end my head listened to my heart. I refused to let professionalism and others' opinions on me to dictate what I chose.I chose adventure and the uncertain over safety and stability. I did not feel comfortable leaving a good crew behind after such a short time but I felt relieved and excited about my decision. I knew I would have to be careful with how I managed the next months but boy was I looking on to a great time. My plan was to go visit Zaynah in Brazil, head to La Cruz de Huanacaxtle in Mexico for the regattas and then line up a divemaster job “somewhere in the Pacific”. Thankfully, all is going according to plan so far.
Sailing in Mexorc 2022.